then i got a call at my office from an editor at living faith, a catholic quarterly devotional. they loved the photo, and wanted to buy it! by this time, you could find me dancing in my office.
it wasn't real to me until the check arrived in the mail...with a few zeros after the number!
the letter excerpted:
"I'm so happy you put "Upstairs at Sacred Heart" in Dappled Things. It really is an evocative photo, and I think the readership of Living Faith will appreciate it...enclosed is a check in payment for our use of it on the Oct/Nov/Dec cover of Living Faith!"
so come this fall, the pews of sacred heart will be on the cover of 600,000 devotionals!
and because i am an enterprising e-nerd...if you want your own framed copy or cards, you can find them at viper's world: cafepress style! :)
(and the shop is still under construction..so it's pretty bare bones for now!)
That is so freaking exciting...and you are a e-nerd. I love it all.
That's great!
I love your photos, and it will be great to have our devotions enhanced by your artistic talent (I write a couple devotions for each issue)!!
you are incredible, shelley...i can't say it enough!
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