mikey and brandon, waiting for the countdown that sent three-year-old patrick into the grass with 30 seconds lead time...
all the little things that happen on easter day...
- a packed house at Mass. the cutest little things that little kids do...like the girl who was heading to the altar with her envelope, bypassed the envelope box, and started climbing up the marble in her little Easter dress. a sight to behold.
- a very fabulous homily by fr. ed white. his first and last here, as he was assigned to his first parish this summer, at st. stephen the martyr in renton. they are lucky ducks.
- lindsay and i appreciating the beauty of having parents and families who save a pew for you, so that when you arrive, and it's standing room only, you can head right to your seat. love it.
- father mike wearing a headset as his mic. as much as i appreciate the need for it, and the great sound it provides, all i can think when i see him is...madonna. and not the blessed mother. the madonna from the blonde ambition tour.
- watching brandon, mikey, and patrick salivate as i installed the newest star wars game for them on their computer. i learned that i'm not as cool as i think. this was the conversation between us as i was installing the program and photos were flashing up on the screen...
shelley: that's a cool picture! what is it?
brandon (7 years old): you don't know what that is?
shelley (confused): should i?
brandon rolls his eyes.
patrick (3 years old): that's the deff-sta.
shelley: the deff-sta?
patrick: yes! the deff-sta!
shelley: the deathstar?
patrick: that's what i said!
i am twenty five years older than this kid,
i lived during the star wars era,
and he knows more than me. i should be shot.
- back to the little things...the annual easter brunch at sue and tim's - one i look forward to all year. yummy goodness in every single thing you put on your plate.
- the annual egg hunt in the backyard - in which the calling of quarters and two dollar bills in the eggs turned it into a mini-wwf match in the under-eight crowd. definitely a must see.
- three-year-old patrick, who was baptized into the Catholic Church last night, still carrying around his new cross in his little pocket. a familiar cross, emblazoned with "i am a Catholic, please call a priest" on the back...
- doing income taxes all afternoon (and no, they weren't mine) and evening. finding a good break with a magoo's run w/tom and jaime, and finding bagel bites in the freezer as an "i'm almost done!" celebration. my question is...how does viper, who was sound asleep on the opposite end of the house, know i'm going for the bagel bites and is there just 3 seconds later, waiting for her piece?
- wearing one of my fabulous new lucy outfits, found on the world's best shopping trip to lucy with stella and vickie (57% off everything!)...oh joy!
- getting ready for a new roommate in may...news to come.
- a fun self-portrait with the three boys...see below.
- and finally, celebrating the complete end of lent with a celebration today of the Lord's Resurrection...love it. absolutely love it.
{and yes, i did take the photo of the tomb above, but i confess.
it wasn't jesus's...it was in the ruins near pompeii on sicily. :) }
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