
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

oh, the joy of the new year

i love three-day weekends. i love it even more when you have three three-day weekends in four weeks. as vince vaughn says in dodgeball, "that is what i call the jackpot". and jackpot, indeed.

new years eve found me at brix 25 for a fabulous evening, and new years day was low key - brunch in the harbor at the harbor inn, and all kinds of projects around the house. rearranged all the furniture, cleaned out the kitchen, fridge, and freezer, and took down the tree. god bless whoever invented ornament organizers. all of my golden ornaments fit right in, and i tossed all the original boxes and such. i loved it.

and everyone across the street loved watching me take my tree down. the running joke was that this year's tree would stay in my yard (in the tree stand, no less) as long as last year's tree (which means it wouldn't see the yard waste until september 2006).

bound and determined to get rid of it earlier, i learned a valuable lesson. the tree, after being tied up on the drive to my house, always goes IN the house easier than it does OUT of the house, when it's all full and bushy. i had both feet up on the sides of the door frame, and yanked that sucker my pajamas. it was a sight to behold. a very happy new year, indeed.

finished my three day weekend with my first online digital scrapbooking class. first week of 52 weeks in the class. something i promised myself i'd take time to do, and seriously, how much better does it get for this creative junky to play with Viper, be in my pajamas, and sharpen my digi-scrappy skills at the same time? there's a good chance you'll see one of my creations soon, in fact, in my next post!

rounded yesterday out with a fun roadtrip to the business costco (which i fell in love with) and to water aerobics last night. how do you know it's going to be a good year?

when (straight) guys outnumber the gals in the water aerobics class. a good year, indeed!


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