Q. What do you get when you cross a BMW with rear-wheel-drive, the N. 30th St. hill, a Mercedes that decides it's time to parallel park on the hill (with seven cars behind) and enough snow to stop traffic?
A. You guessed it! Me! On my way home from Billy McHales!
Snow Trauma 2005. Straight from the Arctic Blast 2005. Do I sound like I am on the news?
It was my first snowy adventure post- 4WD SUV. I-5 was like a blizzard, and the 705 loop found me gripping the steering wheel tighter than ever before. Things were fine...until the guy stopped in front of me on the hill. Somehow, my honking, flashing headlights and yelling didn't get him to keep going. I came to a dead stop, as did the half-dozen cars behind me. And now, I was in the center of the road, in the midst of cars coming down the hill, and 4WDs still heading up.
God bless my papa, who I woke up when I was in the middle of my freak-out moment. I was envisioning leaving my car on the hill and walking home... The guy who got me stuck ended up getting me out. I learned a good deal about snow driving in the beemer tonight from him. With the help of three incredible guys who came out of their houses (probably due to the angry chick sound of my horn) in their pjs to push me up the hill, I found traction and got back on the road. And the tiptronic transmission rocked tonight. Wow.
Thrilled to be home and in one piece, Viper and I headed out on my street to see the softly falling snow. I love snow.
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