Well, not ghosts, but definitely Christmases past. In 2003 and 2004, I designed Christmas cards that were a little cheesy, but were way fun to put together, and we sent them out from the Leadership Team. Every year at the December meeting, we'd bring everyone together, celebrate Christmas and sign a gajillion cards that we sent to our planning team, top team captains and other special peeps.
The 2004 photo (in red) thanked everyone for their starring role in funding the cure for cancer: you are a superstar to our relay! and the 2003 photo (in purple) described how grateful we were for all the gifts that people shared with our event.
Speaking of Relay, we've got a sweet fundraiser for our Merrill Lynch team that we're getting ready to unveil just in time for the holidays...can't wait to show it off! All I've got to say is that there are people more talented than I who come up with these things - and I'm so glad we're all on the same team! :)

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