I love this shirt. Absolutely love it. One of the peeps was wearing it this weekend on retreat, and just fell in love with it.
To be home. To have Viper not start shaking when I head out the door. To spend more than two nights in a row in my own bed. To not worry about pranks in the middle of the night in the cabin. To wake up to my alarm and my paperboy ringing the doorbell. To clean my messy, dirty house. To have some semblance of order and routine back in my life. To change out all my wallflowers to fall scents. To carve pumpkins. To clean out my shoe closet and my clothes closet. To clean out half the garage to make way for the boat. To catch up on my DVR'ed episodes. To wake up early and be in the office by 5:45.
I can't wait. After two weeks of being gone - a lot - I'm finally home. Two weeks of being home, until I'm on the road again. In fact, this next weekend is the only weekend for 6 weeks I'll be home! You can believe I won't be doing a single thing...unless there's flag football, or karaoke, or icy cold kayaking on the Sound. Then you might find me there. But until then, I'll be hiding out in the north end. :)
God bless cold, blustery fall Sunday afternoons.
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