Here are my top eleven things that make me smile right now...
- Our upcoming road trip to Mt. Angel for Oktoberfest and Portland for a spa weekend - with sales tax-free shopping!
- Lindsay sending me the funniest photo in response to my speeding ticket. Wish this had been my guy.
- Mom and Dad's house...with new white trim. It's amazing what a little paint will do to brighten things up. I love it!!
- Wentworth Miller. Ahhh, Wentworth Miller. Star of my new favorite tv show, Prison Break. A special thanks to Lindsay for passing along his website... There's a good chance Stella and I are going to co-found Wentworth's Pacific Northwest chapter of his fan club.
- The results after Kris and I completely redid the kitchen...she is a wonder with projects. And it's only taken me a dozen times to remember where things are! :)
- How incredibly much I love winkflash ;) for photo developing! The postman even commented on how often I'm getting envelopes from them...it's like Christmas every day!
- Spending time with Fort and Mama G...the way they love and support one another is amazing to me. I hope to love my family with that much devotion after 43 years.
- Madre and Padre. Notice how cute they look when Canny the Canonlens takes their photo?
- Celebrating Art's 31st, no wait, his third 29th birthday. It's a little unreasonable to expect that a table full of our peeps would be nice and quiet. Especially when there are stories of maps to retell.
- COUNTDOWNS!! Four days until we leave for Mt. Angel! 26 days until the Fabulous Foursome leaves for Las Vegas! 57 days until I leave for Maui!
- Stella's got a blog! Stella's got a blog! And she let me design the header!! Out of the Estrogen Militia...two down, fourteen to go... You know what else? Her eyes are WAY more exotic looking than mine. I'm jealous.
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