I realize I am a digital e-nerd. I discovered the sweetest site today. Scrapbook Bytes. With helpful forums, cool downloads (some of them free!) and inspiration from galleries galore...I think I'm hooked.
A few weeks ago, I began a fully digital 6x6 scrapbook. I can't begin to describe how sweet the SBB site is in doing a digital book! One of my first e-pages was done with the groovy baby kit (you'd almost think it was named for Stella!) I downloaded by Mel Violette...and I even tinted JPII to match it. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know he's now teal and peach.
And just to show you what happens when the machine at UPS eats your package, custom invites I designed now look like this. But UPS always takes care of things...they are the best - the manager called and is going to take care of everything...
One last joy...my new SLR lens is on its way to me! Travelling from New York, my cool new Canon 85mm lens will hopefully arrive by this next weekend. Let me know if you want to be one of my first willing subjects. :)
I love three day weekends!
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