The last twenty four hours were filled with a handful of angels.
After my last night with Holly, she and I headed over the bridge to Gig Harbor, where we met Mom. The three of us went to the Purdy Vet, where Holly had been treated for years. The first angel came in the form of a random woman who walked in when Mom and I were signing Holly in. She stopped, petted her and looked me in the eye as she said, "What a beautiful kitty. She's pretty old, isn't she? I bet you've given her a good life. It's time, though, to let her go, isn't it? She would tell you the same if she could talk. But I bet she loves you a lot for the life you gave her."
The peeps at the vet were incredible, and reminded me why it's worth it to drive all the way to the edge of Gig Harbor to have our animals taken care of. When we said our final goodbyes, I was a mess. Mom, my second angel, took me to breakfast and we sat and talked over endless iced teas. I couldn't have imagined going by myself.
When we got back home to the house, Mike told me we had just a few hours to get my house ready, since Dad (the third angel) was sending over the carpet cleaning peeps to clean all my carpets to have a fresh start after Holly. Now, anyone who has been to my house knows that there are a few unbelievably "full" rooms at my house, one being the playroom and one being the garage. "A few hours" to get it all ready would take nothing short of a miracle.
Mike and a friend of his (the fourth and fifth angels) came over to my house and for the next five hours, we tossed, donated, organized, cleaned, and talked. Honestly, it would have taken months for me to get through all that we did on my own. They were absolutely amazing. Mike made trips to St. Vincent de Paul, the famous Tacoma city dump, and around town to get this all completed. I put a photo collage up here, because it's only by seeing it that you realize all that was done.
The sixth angel, Kris, called during our whirlwind, to tell me she found the perfect roses to plant in Holly's memory, and she was on her way to pick them up. The other plant in mind, the lamb's ear (which she learned is called the Stachys Lanata) may be tougher to find, but the hunt is what she loves.
My super fabulous friends called and checked in during the day to see how I was doing. You guys are the best. Thank you.
For my half-dozen angels, I can't thank you enough. You made a tough day so much better, and I love you.
1 comment:
WOW! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it. The yellow room is incredible! What a change. Congrats on your organization skills. Very impressive!
Maybe God sent you angels to help you get through this rough spot in your life because he often sends you as the angel to help others. It was your turn to receive instead of always giving!
I hope Holly can rest for eternity under her Glowing Peace rose bush.
Love Ya!
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