"Now, I owe it to myself to tell you, Mr. Griswold, that if you are thinking of taking the tribe cross country, this is your automobile. The Wagon Queen Family Truckster. You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it."
The fam is almost ready to head out to Iowa on Tuesday morning...think Clark Griswold leading his family across the US - "Vacation" style... The last time we headed out there, it took us about 12 extra hours thanks to thunderstorms and such...we fly into Cedar Rapids, rent a family truckster to head up to Waukon to see Grandpa, then back to Cedar Rapids and finally to the Amanas. We'll celebrate three anniversaries there - 35 years for my parents and Darcy and Tom, and sixty years for my grandparents. The above is part of my gift to them - a cool collaberation by the whole fam.
And of utmost importance, I've already mapquested my way to my new favorite midwest places for yummy eats, Panera.
But before then, I head to Canada for Sunday and Monday, with a stop in Bellingham to let Viper stay the night with Mike. She's ready to christen his new house. :)
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