I am blessed with some of the world's greatest friends, but also some of the world's best prayer warriors...and here's your chance to shine!
Above is Michael G's mom, affectionately called Mamma G. One week from today, she begins aggressive treatment in Houston, to treat a unique cancer: small cell carcinoma in her salivary glands.
Michael G and his sister are balancing weekly trips to Houston, while their parents stay there for the duration of treatment. Please pray for everyone's health and peace, and Mamma G's courage throughout the long weeks ahead. In addition, any of your suffering or pain can be offered up as well! Might as well bring some good about from it! :)
In case you need any prayer inspiration, here are a few spots to start...
Novena to St. Peregrine (patron saint of cancer patients)
Prayers to St. Peregrine
A good reflection on moms and how super fabulous they are
Stations of the Cross (online)
Cool basic Catholic prayers
NEW - Sweet St. Peregrine site - thanks Rachael! :)
Thanks, in advance...you are the best!
Hey everyone!
I just want everyone to know that the prayers are helping! Thank you so so much!!!!
Shelley,this came to me at the very best time and day.Today was particularly difficult!
I prayed the whole time during each and every procedure and for that matter I always do so each and every time.
I offered every pain and suffering to His name. I know it is not enough for what JESUS has given me and ALL of us and ALL of mankind.
You made me cry as the request for prayers really and truly touched my heart!
I know this journey will be easier because of all the prayers and for beautiful people like you supporting me,Fort and our family.
Thank You so Much!
Mamma G
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