It'd been nearly 20 months since we all spent a weekend together...so we headed over past Leavenworth to our little cabin...how do you fit nine of the militia in a 1000 sq. ft. cabin, you ask? Sunshine, sugar free raspberry fresca myascas, a hot tub, parmesan artichoke dip and a little BBQing will do the trick...
It was full of girl bonding, laughing, dancing, and some walks down memory lane...it's so rare that we all end up in the same place at the same time, and it was a blessing to spend this weekend together. Rachael did a great opening session...I learned that my spiritual pathway is found through the Path of Devotion, following in the footsteps of St. Augustine. It's important to note that the majority of saints were on the same path. I'm in good company. :) What's yours?
As we all learned the pathway of disagreeing with Lindsay ("We're fighting...I hate you...You're dead to me!"), she gave us a pretty cool project of mapping our faith lives. The insight into everyone's journey was indescribable.
One of the highlights was chilling by the lake, with Amy and Liz leading the Chaplet of Divine Mercy...only to be following by the guy asking, "So, are you guys fishing out here?" Seriously...do we LOOK like fishermen?
One might wonder, when going to Lake Wenatchee State Park, how do you find the lake? Or more importantly, once you've found the lake and want out, how do you find your way out of the park? Do you do like Stella, and drive around the park a few times?
Or better yet, when you're Shelley and Lindsay heading home...does it make sense to drive to Leavenworth and get BACK onto Highway 2...only to see the sights of Sultan and Monroe again? Perhaps they just really really wanted to be part of the Sultan Shindig...
For a few scenes from the weekend...
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Makes me almost wish I were catholic! :)
Oh Shelley... you are the best to take pictures for those of us who have no sense of direction and can only rock on and teach the art of fighting while on retreats! Good times, good introductory page, great song choice, but truly just great peeps!
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